Wednesday, 11 November 2009

A Potbellied Bitch-Down

Today, I realised that there are so many bitches out there, constantly getting away with bringing people down, in-directing and just being mad bitchy.

Have you ever heard of the saying “Live by the gun and die by the gun” well this same quote applies to bitching.

Live your life bitching, get bitched about”- and don’t complain about it.

I’m not one to get involved in stupid arguments because let’s face it, there’s poor moronic guys out their in the cold, selling drugs; I’m not that hard bodied, so I keep myself out of it, but enough is enough!

You know it’s a serious problem when your name is mentioned in a conversation and BITCH is followed soon after; imagine you’ve just been called a DOG. The days of visible racism are now over, but DOGS still aren’t allowed in. You Bitch! (oh how I’m weird at times).

Visualise a game. A game that never ends! Some type of frustration is bound to reveal itself, sooner rather than later, and that’s what bitching is, an on-going game, yeah I presume someone’s going to earn points if not both players. But the point is… The game still hasn’t finished. The game will never finish.

This game is a process that generally goes like this. (I’m going to use the Sian Anderson Vs Donatella dispute as an EXAMPLE)

Sian: Post’s a picture of Donatella on her blog- any liberties , not out of malice, but to prove a point and state her opinion on the controversy causing, honey trap Donatella.

Grime Bitch: (An unknown blogger) Finds it in the depths of their duty to, entertain the nation anonymously whilst stirring up the cake mix. Highlighting the fact that, in the photo Sian had previously posted, Miss Donatella had no panties/knickers on; it seems like this honey trap wanted to trap more than an interview for Grime Daily, but maybe a 12inch Grime Artists’……..VINYL to play on her Dad’s Vintage Decks!

Donatella: She feels a bit; as they put it ‘Parred’. I would to, if i forgot to put knickers on and someone made it known to the whole of the UK and places in China and Japan. So being the so-called mature adult in the equation, she confronted Sian. (In a slack attempt to defend the heiress, I would confront the little person to, not that I’m used to having housemaids and everything from Daddy. *Well the Daddy bit is nearly accurate).

SBTV: Announces to the whole world via Twitter, that he’s gaining entertainment watching the Sian Vs Donatella argument, being the good gentleman he is, he starts to run a viral poll, asking who would win, out of the pair. (I would definitely say go ESSBEE)

Basically, when it comes down to the crunch, so many people got involved in such a silly bitch- off; including industry followers, like Mz Bratt’s only two fans, the deeply involved Industry Hater and well known bloggers such as, JP, Hyperfrank and TaraJayne.

The Bitch-Fight will never stop, we all thought it died down 12 days ago, until today! Watch the Grime Daily interview “Jamie Howard- stand up with Donatella”

And to be totally honest with you guys, I to had a crack at Donatella. On Twitter there was a trending topic and I said………. ‘celebrityperfumes’ – Dick Breath by Donatella. Not because I dislike her, although I hate MARMITE, but it was a funny crack.

Although, this seems like a ‘Bitch-Fest’ it isn’t one, I basically wanted to put it out there that.


Love, Peace and Bitch free.



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